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Sophomore Vocabulary 
Slides with detailed information about each word areon Schoology

1. ethnography

2. juxtapose

3. paradox

4. paradigm

5. improvident

6. prowess

7. discern

8. incipient

9. imperious

10. emissary

11. capricious

12. brusque

13. deft

14. introspective

15. circumspect

16. tendril

17. feign

18. wily

19. prodigal

20. avert

21. glower

22. delineate

23. abhorrent

24. maelstrom

25. inexorable

26. culpability

27. spendthrift

28. harbinger

29. devoid

30. elude

31. manifest

32. guttural

33. pandemonium

34. esoteric

35. approbation

36. trifle

37. voluble

38. sullen

39. vigor

40. derisive

41. dichotomy

42. opaque

43. apathy

44. relinquish

45. vouch

46. filial

47. guru

48. guise

49. exemplify

50. uniformity

51. endorse

52. indignation

53. plight

54. repose

55. entreat

56. lavish

57. surmise

58. malice

59. sundry

60. chastise

61. fruitless

62. predominate

63. desolate

64. laudable

65. pernicious

66. perturbation

67. upbraid

68. monotonous

69. insubordinate

70. caliber

71. debauched

72. putrefaction

73. equanimity

74. apoplexy

75. parapet

76. zeal

77. skirmish

78. dysentery

79. dregs

80. furtive

81. abyss

82. amiss

83. obtuse

84. extenuation

85. irresolutely

86. avert

87. chattel

88. fatuous

89. surreptitious

90. aberration

91. banal

92. emaciated

93. rhetoric

94. alliteration

95. assonance

96. hyperbole

97. onomatopoeia 

98. understatement

99. anaphora

100. antithesis

101. apostrophe

102. chiasmus

103. euphemism

104. litotes

105. metonymy

106. oxymoron

107. paralipsis



32. exemplify

33. uniformity

34. endorse

35. usurper

36. impede

37. dire

38. compunction

39. mettle

40. husbandry

41. palpable

42. equivocate

43. sacrilegious

44. sundry

45. mirth

46. resolute

47. raze

48. laudable

49. appease

50. avarice 




51. decorum

52. palatial

53. indignation

54. tact

55. melancholy

56. gamut

57. indefatigable 

58. discomfiture

59. convalescence

60. monotonous

61. burgeon

62. sallow

63. plait

64. wanton

65. posterity

66. subsume

67. detritus

68. contrite

69. swath

70. lament

71. harrowing

72. broach

73. deference

74. insolence

75. solace

76. rhetoric

77. alliteration

78. assonance

79. hyperbole

80. onomatopoeia 

81. understatement

82. anaphora

83. antithesis

84. apostrophe

85. chiasmus

86. euphemism

87. litotes

88. metonymy

89. oxymoron

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